
Tales From The Shi* Episode 81:

Three poop articles including a woman sending fart selfies to an ex, employees injured after toilet explodes, and a little kid cleans after her own poop in a school. Poop topics include after catching a poop virus after eating hard boiled eggs and fast food. Eating almost two hoagies and taking a monster poop the next day. Keeping some tums in your wallet in case of a stomach ache. Dropping my bottled water in a pissy toilet and piss splashes on my clothes. Trying Charmin's extra strong toilet paper and it's not as good as extra soft. Marco the buffet guy calling me during a poop. Taking 3 poops from spicy wings and eating a whole tomato pie at Chickie and Pete's. Taking a poop and how did the poop get up on the rim? It's TFTS!

Tales From The Shi* Episode 80:

This episode features 3 poop topics including bat poop used to grow cannabis, a couple that poops on the floor to steal clean products, and mysterious balls of poop on Australian beaches. Poop topics include taking one of the biggest poops of the year. On NYE eating a steak and taking a big poop the next day. Almost pooping myself in the laundry room. Eating a bunch of junk that lead me to take 3 poops within a day of each other. Getting ready to leave but I get lucky and go back inside to poop. Taking a long skinny snake log and find out what I ate to have the most smelly and loud gas you can imagine!

Tales From The Shi* Episode 79:

This is the last poop show of the year and it features 3 poop articles including 2 New York men die from bat poop, metal band pit diapers and scientists are using fake whale poop in the ocean. Poop topics include pooping twice in one night after the last show and taking two stinky poops at a bar comedy open mic. Going to Chili's to eat more poop food and actually making it home to take a big stinky dump. Going to Buffalo Wild Wings and eating wings that made my nose, mouth, and butt burn from vile diarrhea. Eating a cheesesteak and a half then the next day taking a giant log dump. Trying the Wawa cheesesteak then pooping in a Target right after. Pooping over a friends house twice in one week from eating too much crap. Finally, taking a dump where you think it's big and you look back; where did the poop go?!

Tales From The Shi* Episode 78:

This episode includes three poop articles about a man obsessed with whale poop, a custodian poops in kids' food and a mother says her son sat in poop all day. Poop topics include the start of the show where I took two poops tonight in two different locations. Almost pooping myself on Halloween night but making it to a Latin bar. Taking a log with some chunks making it a two flusher. Eating mostly Wawa sandwiches for lunch which causes little snake dumps. Nothing worse than taking one of those small dumps where nothing comes up but it's all this wiping. Taking poops mostly in the late morning and late afternoon. Almost not making it to a buffalo wild wings bathroom and pooping in a Target where a small puddle of poop comes out.

Tales From The Shi* Episode 77:

This episode features a new halloween poop song parody and two poop articles. Poop topics include eating a bunch of fast food chains in a few days which lead to bad stinky dumps. Taking a dump and wetting the toilet paper to make the wiping process easier. Eating spicy wings then taking a loud fart dump in public. Taking a fat poop in this restaurant called fat moon. Trying spicy dry rub wings and then pooping in a nice target bathroom. Eating a cheesesteak and chocolate cake which lead to only pooping a little before a long night out. Not pooping until almost a day later and more poopy nonsense!

Tales From The Shi* Episode 76:

This episode includes two poop articles what happens when you hold in a fart? and a toilet outside a man's house turns off potential buyers. Poop topics include going to Chili's and taking a poop after dinner then going back 2 weeks later and not pooping after dinner. Drinking a big jar of beet juice which caused my poop to look dark red and purple. At Chipotle they put too much corn in my bowl which causes my ace hole to burn. I went over a month without pooping in public until I went to this comedy open mic. Pooping before and after my own comedy open mic. Raising Canes meal made me fart smelly gassers. Not pooping until late in the day from too much meat the night before. Telling poop stories from this bouncer I know. Folks this is the poopiest show ever, it's TFTS!

Tales From The Shi* Episode 75:

This episode includes the poop article of a mayor telling residents in Ontario not to poop in the beach. Poop topics include beet juice turning my poop red, going to a Mexican restaurant for dinner plus a super long ride home and making it home to still not poop. There is nothing worse than when your finger breaks through the toilet paper when you're wiping. Going into a Planet Fitness just to poop. Getting a small stomach bug from Chinese food which caused sweating and a hot burning backside hole. Talking about the guy who records himself getting arrested while taking a poop. Eating a undercooked cheesesteak which lead me to take 5 water dumps and hot green tea with lemon helps me poop and make my urine more clear. Folks it's TFTS!