
Showing posts from November, 2024

Tales From The Shi* Episode 78:

This episode includes three poop articles about a man obsessed with whale poop, a custodian poops in kids' food and a mother says her son sat in poop all day. Poop topics include the start of the show where I took two poops tonight in two different locations. Almost pooping myself on Halloween night but making it to a Latin bar. Taking a log with some chunks making it a two flusher. Eating mostly Wawa sandwiches for lunch which causes little snake dumps. Nothing worse than taking one of those small dumps where nothing comes up but it's all this wiping. Taking poops mostly in the late morning and late afternoon. Almost not making it to a buffalo wild wings bathroom and pooping in a Target where a small puddle of poop comes out.

Tales From The Shi* Episode 77:

This episode features a new halloween poop song parody and two poop articles. Poop topics include eating a bunch of fast food chains in a few days which lead to bad stinky dumps. Taking a dump and wetting the toilet paper to make the wiping process easier. Eating spicy wings then taking a loud fart dump in public. Taking a fat poop in this restaurant called fat moon. Trying spicy dry rub wings and then pooping in a nice target bathroom. Eating a cheesesteak and chocolate cake which lead to only pooping a little before a long night out. Not pooping until almost a day later and more poopy nonsense!