Risa Cookie interviews the poop man himself about why most men don't carry wipes, what's in my doodie kit, and vile poop stories that make a pooping dog want to puke.
This episode features poop articles where a new beetle discovered as bird poop, EMMA relief reviewed on Amazon, Harwich factory to make jet fuel out of poop, and a woman gets burried in cow poop trying to cure a snake bite. Poop topics include going to a Mexican restaurant twice in a month and pooping there both times after eating. Pooping over a friends house, throwing the paper and wipes in a plastic bag, then throwing the bag out the window while I'm driving. Eating Spanish food and taking many dark spicy poops. What did I eat to wake up 4am and 5am to take a early morning smasher? Eating Chipotle and KFC for lunch which lead me to take a poop at a comedy show. Eating a Wawa spicy turkey club and shishkabobs which lead to taking 6 stinky poops. Finally having a keto burger at a diner with a milkshake and almost not making it home from pooping myself. It's TFTS!
This episode features 4 poop topics including woman escapes in locked bathroom using the toilet, mutter museum shows colon from fatality, villagers complain from tons of bird poo, and school closes the bathroom doors on students with a cage. Poop topics include eating a halal platter with too much red sauce, having to poop the whole saturday night and making it home without pooping. Dominoes pizza, brownies, and garlic bread gave me really loud stinky farts. Eating some turkey with stuffing and veggies causing another fart storm. Folks it's TFTS!
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