Risa Cookie interviews the poop man himself about why most men don't carry wipes, what's in my doodie kit, and vile poop stories that make a pooping dog want to puke.
This episode features poop articles where a new beetle discovered as bird poop, EMMA relief reviewed on Amazon, Harwich factory to make jet fuel out of poop, and a woman gets burried in cow poop trying to cure a snake bite. Poop topics include going to a Mexican restaurant twice in a month and pooping there both times after eating. Pooping over a friends house, throwing the paper and wipes in a plastic bag, then throwing the bag out the window while I'm driving. Eating Spanish food and taking many dark spicy poops. What did I eat to wake up 4am and 5am to take a early morning smasher? Eating Chipotle and KFC for lunch which lead me to take a poop at a comedy show. Eating a Wawa spicy turkey club and shishkabobs which lead to taking 6 stinky poops. Finally having a keto burger at a diner with a milkshake and almost not making it home from pooping myself. It's TFTS!
This episode features two poop articles where a woman pulls out a sword over a dog poo incident and a woman giving herself poop transplants using her brother's feces. New poop topics include not eating chocolate because it gives me rich sloppy poops, taking a big log the next morning with bits, eating a turkey club and chicken wings which caused a big log with chunks. This egg omelet gave me wicked farts. Garlic parm wings gave me wicked farts and I pooped twice in a bar on a different night. The woman that poops herself in Walmart video. Flushing non flushable wipes at a friends house because it's too gross to rinse them in the sink. It's TFTS!
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