Tales From The Shi* Episode 79:

This is the last poop show of the year and it features 3 poop articles including 2 New York men die from bat poop, metal band pit diapers and scientists are using fake whale poop in the ocean. Poop topics include pooping twice in one night after the last show and taking two stinky poops at a bar comedy open mic. Going to Chili's to eat more poop food and actually making it home to take a big stinky dump. Going to Buffalo Wild Wings and eating wings that made my nose, mouth, and butt burn from vile diarrhea. Eating a cheesesteak and a half then the next day taking a giant log dump. Trying the Wawa cheesesteak then pooping in a Target right after. Pooping over a friends house twice in one week from eating too much crap. Finally, taking a dump where you think it's big and you look back; where did the poop go?!


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